What is PrdhanMantriKisanMaan Dhan Yojana 2022? What are its advantages

The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana was begin at Ranchi, Jharkhand by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This a Central Sector Scheme which is administered by the Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers ’ Welfare, and the Government of India in cooperation with Life Insurance Corporation of India( LIC).
LIC is the Pension Fund Manager for PM Kisan Maan- Dhan Yojana that provides an assured yearly pension ofRs. 3000/- to all the small and borderline growers( who enjoy cultivable land up to 2 hectares) after the age of 60 times. This scheme was introduced with an end to secure the lives of small and borderline growers in India.
The scheme is different from Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan- Dhan, details of which are mentioned in the linked composition.
PM Kisan Maan- Dhan Yojana is an important content for the IAS test under the frugality of India. campaigners can also download the notes PDF at the end of the composition.
The crucial- points about Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan- Dhan Yojana are given in the table below
Name of the scheme PM- KMY
Full- Form Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan- Dhan Yojana
Date of launch 12th September 2019
Governing Body Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers ’ Welfare
PM- KMY Scheme in India
PM- KMY Scheme in India is a central sector scheme for growers progressed between 18 to 40 times. The devisee can come a member of the PM- KMY Scheme by registering under the Pension Fund managed by the Life Insurance Corporation of India( LIC). The members are therefore needed to make a yearly donation to the Pension Fund betweenRs. 55/- toRs. 200/-, depending on their age with the provision of equal donation by the Central Government. According to the reports of 14th November 2019, a aggregate of growers in India have been registered under this scheme. This scheme is applicable to all the small and borderline growers. The rate of the donation that must be made by them and the Union Government under this Yojana is 11. Government donation under the PM- KMY Scheme is equal to the yearly donation made by the planter.
Who are entitled for the PM- KMY Scheme?
All the small and borderline growers( who enjoy cultivable land up to 2 hectares) as per the land records of the concerned State UT) and are progressed between 18 times to 40 times are eligible to apply for the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan- Dhan Yojana and can mileage all the benefits of this Scheme.
growers falling within the horizon of the rejection criteria aren't eligible for the benefit.
still, growers falling under the below- mentioned criteria aren't eligible for the scheme
Small and borderline growers who are formerly registered under other schemes similar as the National Pension Scheme( NPS), workers ’ State Insurance Corporation scheme, workers ’ Fund Organization Scheme,etc. won't be eligible for the PM- KMY Scheme.
growers who have decided for Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan Dhan Yojana( PMSYM) administered by the Ministry of Labour & Employment as well as for Pradhan Mantri Laghu Vyapari Maan- Dhan Yojana( PM- LVM) under the Ministry of Labour & Employment are also not entitled for this plan.
Benefits of PM- KMY Scheme
Along with the devisee, the partner is also eligible for the scheme and can get a separate pension ofRs. 3000/- by making separate benefactions to the Fund.
still, the partner may continue this scheme by paying the remaining benefactions, If the devisee dies before the withdrawal date. But if the partner doesn't wish to continue, also, the total donation made by the planter along with interest will be paid to the partner.
still, also the total donation along with interest will be paid to the designee, If there's no partner.
Still, the partner will admit 50 of the pension as Family Pension, If the planter dies after the withdrawal date. After the death of both the planter and the partner, the accumulated corpus shall be credited back to the Pension Fund.
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan- Dhan Yojana( PM- KMY) – UPSC notes
Multiple Choice Question
Consider the following statements
The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana was launched at Ranchi, Jharkhand by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This a Central Sector Scheme which is administered by the Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers ’ Welfare, and the Government of India in cooperation with Life Insurance Corporation of India( LIC).
According to the reports of 14th November 2019, a aggregate of growers in India have been registered under this scheme. This scheme is applicable to all the small and borderline growers. The rate of the donation that must be made by them and the Union Government under this Yojana is 11. Government donation under the PM- KMY Scheme is equal to the yearly donation made by the planter.
The government of India in 2016, launched the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana( PMFBY) after scraping down the before insurance schemesviz. Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme( MNAIS), Weather- grounded Crop Insurance scheme, and the National Agriculture Insurance Scheme( NAIS).
The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana was introduced with an end to give support to the agrarian sector in achieving 4 periodic husbandry growth. RKVY scheme was launched in the time 2007 which was latterly rebranded as lucrative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied sector revivification( RAFTAAR) to be enforced for three times till 2019- 20 with a budget allocation of Rs,722 crore.
select the correct answer from the below- given options
A) Only statements 2, 3, and 4 are true.
B) Only statements 1, 3, and 4 are true.
C) All the below statements are true.
D) None of the below statements are true.
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