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How to apply for the Gujarat Exemption pass

How to apply for the Gujarat Exemption pass

Gujarat e Pass available DigitalGujarat.gov.in.  Government of Gujarat provides interstate travel pass during lockdown.  Pass for Lockdown The online pass is used for travel to residents of the state during the lockdown period. 

Gujarat Mukti Pass access online is accessible from digitalgujarat.gov.in site.  If you want to pass the Movement Pass for L Movement, visit Gujarat DigitalGujarat.gov.in to sign up for L.  Passes are issued only to citizens of the state who have an emergency
 Or face the flow of vital resources.  On this page, we describe how to get a pass during lockdown, how to get Gujarat Mukti Pass, how to apply for e-line e-pass for movement outside Gujarat.

  Gujarat e Pass

Like other states, Gujarat Mukti Pass: Now Gujarat citizens can request for Mukti Pass from the official digitalgujarat.gov.in portal for their inter and inter-state travel pass during this lockdown time.  However, the priority pass for Gujarat will be given to certain people who have significant disability or are only connected with important facilities.

To apply for Mukti Pass, you have to fill any information in the application form for digitalgujarat.gov.in.  You can also apply offline for Gujarat Covid-19 transfer, but you need to download the form from the official website.  Below in this article you can find all the details related to Gujarat Mukti Pass.

How to apply for the Gujarat Exemption pass

To apply for the Exemption Pass online you must follow the process specified below:

=Step 1: First of all, you all need to visit the official portal and on the home page of the portal at digitalgujarat.gov.in

=Step 2: Click on the Citizen services under the services tab

=Step 3: To apply for the Exemption you need to first register on the portal and if you are already registered then you may log in with the details directly.

=Step 4: Now on the home page of the website when you scroll down to a little bit, and you will get the direct link for the exemption pass COVID-19.

=Step 5: After clicking the same you will be moved to a new page, where you will find some instruction, read all the instructions properly, and then. 

=Step 6: Click on the apply online tab available at the end of the page

=Step 7: Now you will be redirected to a new page where you need to click on the new registration if you haven't registered before for any other service.

=Step 8: Once you click on the registration tab a form will appear which you need to fill and all field marked with an asterisk is mandatory to fill.

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