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જમીન માપણી અરજી અને જમીન રેકોર્ડ જોવા માટે ઓનલાઈન અરજી | IORA Online Jamin Mapani

 In this article, The word Jamin Means Land and the word Mapani means measurement. Jamin and mapani is gujarati word for land measurement. In this article you will find how to do online application for jamin mapani on iora portal.

ગુજરાત સરકારે IORA Online Jamin Mapani નામનો પોર્ટલ શરૂ કર્યો છે, જેના દ્વારા ગુજરાતની જમીનના રેકોર્ડ સરળતાથી મેળવી શકાય છે. આજે અમે તમને આઇઓઆરએ (Online Jamin Mapani) પોર્ટલ વિશે માહિતી આપીશું.આ પોર્ટલની સહાયથી, તમે તમારી જમીનની માહિતી ફક્ત થોડી સેકંડમાં તપાસ કરી શકો છો. જેમ તમે જાણો છો, ડિજિટલ ગુજરાત પોર્ટલ બહુવિધ સેવાઓનું એક ડેસ્ક છે. તેથી, ડિજિટલ ગુજરાત પોર્ટલ દ્વારા, તમે તમારા જમીનના રેકોર્ડોને પણ ચકાસી શકો છો.

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IORA Gujarat Jamin Mapani Previously, one had to apply for offline DILR (District Inspector Land Record) office for land survey. Now, the government should measure this work online within the stipulated time frame so that millions of farmers in the state will directly benefit.

This announcement has been made by the revenue department today by the order of the governor. In which two important circulars have been issued. We will discuss the highlights and important points of the circular which are farmer oriented. Applicants will now be able to make land survey applications online from the iORA portal.

In Which Case Mapani application of Jamin will be rejected and Fees will be forfeited ?

After the surveyor comes to the village for the measurement, if the measurement cannot be done due to the following reasons, the measurement fee will be forfeited and the measurement application will be rejected.

  1. If the possession is upside down while measuring the place.
  2. If the field is full of water and it is not possible to measure.
  3. If there is no access road to the farm.
  4. If there is crop standing in the field which is an obstacle in measuring e.g. If there is sugarcane, paddy and shrub undergrowth.
  5. If the applicant cannot show his direct possession at the place.
  6. Circumstances where peace / law and order are violated during the measurement process.

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